Sunday, November 30, 2008

Semester Reflection

Looking back on the semester, I have learned a good bit about contemporary literature. I am not a big reader, and had saved the class until my final semester. In the end, I enjoyed it and I shouldn't have been worrying about taking it. I enjoyed reading The Watchmen, because it was something different and new. Graphic novels are an emerging form of literature, and the amount of information that is contained inside those issues is unbelievable. I think we really should have spent more time on the graphic novel, and even maybe read an additional one with a somewhat different approach. I also believe that A Streetcar Named Desire and Atonement were worth reading this semester.

I didn't really enjoy reading Sula or some of the short stories in the Anthology, and I wouldn't have minded if they were left out of the course. Now, I would say that I hate poems, so yes, I would probably say that I didn't enjoy them, but I think it is always important to read and discuss different types of literature that are hard for some students, like myself, to comprehend.

As for additions to the class, I think I would just recommend choosing a book that is on the current years best selling list. Not just any book, but by an author that has influenced many writers and may do the same for future writers. A book on the list that many have room for good class discussion. I do understand the importance of reading historic influential literature, but I also believe in reading literature that is written in the time of discussion.

Thanks for a good semester.

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